
Google Analytics

To enable Google Analytics create an account here. Then add your tracking id in config.xml, it should look something like UA-********-1

Yandex Metrica

To enable Yandex Metrica you need to register, create a ‘counter’ and then copy-paste it’s code in /_includes/yandex-metrika.html file.


Using tags in Jekyll is a bit tricky topic, I used this approach: You can read technical details there. To simply use tags provide list of tags in post header:

 - jekyll
 - analytics
 - tags
 - comments

And then before pushing your changes to github copy generated folder /_site/tag in your blog’s root folder, since github pages will not generate it automatically.


To enable Disqus register on the site and then just put your name in _config.xml. Comments could be switched on and off on per post basis, just put comments: true to enable them.