Ofter a half of year I get a new mbp.

  1. Finder, setup default search current folder,
    • finder show status bar.
  2. Mac auto current is trouble enough, just like mbp, it can not current check, it will ‘correct’ it to map!!!
  3. Install a Chinese input method.
  4. iCloud sync, although I wait a whole night, but it has not sync down, so we need sync by hand, you need click the cloud icon.
  5. 关闭iCloud优化, 主要是由于很多目录同时受到了git的控制.
  6. 安装brew
  7. 通过brew安装typora
  8. 修改Safari设置, status bar 和favorite bar show
  9. 安装ohmyzsh
  10. 安装textmate, 设置textmate
  11. 编辑ohmyzsh的配置文件
  12. 设置输入法跟随app
  13. 安装brew install autojump, 安装之后记得按照提示修改.zshrc
  14. 安装ql预览, 不需要, 自己就好了. 估计是textmate或者vscode导致的.


  1. Sogou pinyin,
    • need system shortcut setting
    • need restart Mac, if not, it can not work. 重启之后解决了问题。
  2. 不可以通过brew 安装的内容
    1. wechat 直接使用网页版
  3. oh my zsh 貌似不可以通过brew安装 http://ohmyz.sh
  4. bear
  5. ulysses 要在app store找之前的老的版本
  6. 这些mark down工具都不靠谱, 还是要自己弄一个


  1. Brew https://brew.sh
  2. typora 可以通过brew安装
  3. textmate
  4. vscode竟然是不能通过brew安装的, 其实不是的, 需要搜索到visual-studio-code
  5. 安装brew install autojump


  1. Finder, setup default search current folder,
    • finder show status bar.
  2. Mac icloud auto sync is trouble enough, just like mbp, it can not current check, it will ‘correct’ it to map!!!
  3. iCloud sync, although I wait a whole night, but it has not sync down, so we need sync by hand, you need click the cloud icon.
  4. 关闭iCloud优化, 主要是由于很多目录同时受到了git的控制.
  5. Safari设置
    1. 打开status条
    2. 打开favorite条
  6. 设置输入法跟随app, 否则切换terminal很费劲.


# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
[user] # Please adapt and uncomment the following lines:
	name = bergman
	email = machangkun1984@qq.com

	excludesfile = /Users/machangkun/.gitignore_global
	editor = atom --wait

[difftool "sourcetree"]
	cmd = opendiff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
	path = 
[mergetool "sourcetree"]
	cmd = /Applications/Sourcetree.app/Contents/Resources/opendiff-w.sh \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" -ancestor \"$BASE\" -merge \"$MERGED\"
	trustExitCode = true

[branch "master"]
	rebase = true
	template = /Users/machangkun/.stCommitMsg