2024了, 下棋真的已经无比简单了, 完全不再需要网络了.


  • https://19x19.com/engine/play/set
  • 唯一的问题就是需要网络, 以及需要充点钱


  • katago官方非常棒: https://github.com/lightvector/KataGo

安装->玩, 很简单

  • 参考: https://codingman.cc/how-to-install-katago-on-mac/
# 安装katago
brew install katago
# 验证安装状态
brew list --verbose katago
  • 如果此时失败了
# 一般是网络问题, 需要代理, 打开.zshrc
code ~/.zshrc # 也可能是mate 或者lime, 看你用的编辑器vscode textmate sublime
# 设置代理, 如果是clashx, 一般是下面这两句:
alias neton="export all_proxy=socks5://"
alias httpon="export all_proxy="
  • 如果成功了, 安装 sabaki ui: https://github.com/SabakiHQ/Sabaki

  • 设置sabaki

    • preference->engines
    • 设置logpath
    • 添加engine
    • path: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/katago/1.14.0/bin/katago
    • arguments:
      • gtp -model /opt/homebrew/Cellar/katago/1.14.0/share/katago/g170-b30c320x2-s4824661760-d1229536699.bin.gz -config /opt/homebrew/Cellar/katago/1.14.0/share/katago/configs/gtp_example.cfg
    • 参数说明
      • 第一行, 是brew list –verbose katago展示的第一行
      • config的参数, 找一找也可以找到, 关键是config 和 gtp

至此, 大功告成, 可以爽了, 图形界面需要摸索下, sabaki的变化还是很剧烈的. 关键是, engine菜单要把engine秀出来, 记得选择catago, 还有就是新局没有落子前可以在info里面设置让子贴目.


  • OpenCL vs CUDA vs TensorRT vs Eigen

    KataGo has four backends, OpenCL (GPU), CUDA (GPU), TensorRT (GPU), and Eigen (CPU).

    The quick summary is:

    • To easily get something working, try OpenCL if you have any good or decent GPU.
    • For often much better performance on NVIDIA GPUs, try TensorRT, but you may need to install TensorRT from Nvidia.
    • Use Eigen with AVX2 if you don’t have a GPU or if your GPU is too old/weak to work with OpenCL, and you just want a plain CPU KataGo.
    • Use Eigen without AVX2 if your CPU is old or on a low-end device that doesn’t support AVX2.
    • The CUDA backend can work for NVIDIA GPUs with CUDA+CUDNN installed but is likely worse than TensorRT.


  • KaTrain - KaTrain might be the easiest to set up for non-technical users, offering an all-in-one package (no need to download KataGo separately!), modified-strength bots for weaker players, and good analysis features.
  • Lizzie - Lizzie is very popular for running long interactive analyses and visualizing them as they happen. Lizzie also offers an all-in-one package. However keep mind that KataGo’s OpenCL version may take quite a while to tune and load on the very first startup as described here, and Lizzie does a poor job of displaying this progress as it happens. And in case of an actual error or failure, Lizzie’s interface is not the best at explaining these errors and will appear to hang forever. The version of KataGo packaged with Lizzie is quite strong but might not always be the newest or strongest, so once you have it working, you may want to download KataGo and a newer network from releases page and replace Lizzie’s versions with them.
  • Ogatak is a KataGo-specific GUI with an emphasis on displaying the basics in a snappy, responsive fashion. It does not come with KataGo included.
  • q5Go and Sabaki are general SGF editors and GUIs that support KataGo, including KataGo’s score estimation, and many high-quality features.


  • 基于alphago: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43483251/article/details/131025587
  • 免费引擎 - 皮卡鱼: https://pikafish.org/
  • 天天象棋 - 人机对战板块